Yes – I do want to take my organization to the next level, but how?
Setting out to transform your organization through effective and efficient adoption of new technology requires sound leadership, contemporary change activities, tech-knowledge, strategy alignment and focus on value and success enablers. Superius offers a multi-disciplinary team that can guide you through the entire process from inception to finalization.
Digital Leadership: Direction – Purpose – Motivation
Digital leaders live their vision through words and behavior – being true role models. They point out a clear direction and provides a distinct purpose for the upcoming journey. They instill motivation in their organization, and trust their colleagues to find the best way to reach the destination. They are loyal, reward individual and collective performance and intervene only when required. They take their colleagues’ fears and concerns seriously, work with them to overcome resistance and remove other potential obstacles to progress.
OK – but isn’t this ordinary change management?
True. But then come the extra elements associated with technology governance, which add complexity and make so many organizations fail in their DX efforts.
Digital leaders must understand enterprise-wide technology governance – and blend those principles, approaches, methods and best practices with contemporary change leadership. This includes having a good understanding of tech-trends, their implications on the industry, what competitors are doing, how to strategize technology and optimize ROI from tech-investments, to manage tech-risk and to optimize tech-resources in daily operations.
What does it boil down to?
Change initiatives in general come with a grim success rate: 12%. Digital Transformation (DX) initiatives are even more challenging at 5%. Hence, 95% of all DX programmes do not achieve or exceed business expectations. These are rather disheartening and discouraging figures. But the good thing is that with the right principles, approach and methods – you can put your organization into that 5% category! You “just” need to inject technology governance into the overall change management practices if you wish to succeed.
You can do it!
Change leadership displays a number of characteristics: high competence, inherent motivation, continuous learning, trust and loyalty. As for the technology governance part, you will need to turn focus on success enablers and the business value your DX programme is set out to bring. Some of these enablers are common for most organizations, whereas others will reveal themselves through a collaborative exercise for you and your colleagues prior to the programme inception. Context doesn’t mean everything, but a lot!
The expected value from your technology investment, the goals cascading, the strategy alignment, the identification of success enablers, the DX road map, the tech-risk assessment and the “quick wins” will ensure that you and your organization move in the right direction from the onset. Superius is ready to support you on that journey, and we have the knowledge, experience, methods and tools to ensure your success.
Become a digital leader now, and take your organization to the next level!